Higher Education Research and Advocacy

I have been a classroom teacher and higher education administrator for 25 years. I began consulting in secondary and postsecondary career and technical education (CTE) in 2022. My background as a filmmaker aligns with my interest in telling student stories. I use qualitative and participatory research adopting new models of Open Innovation Research, where students directly inform, develop, and authenticate research findings and participate in developing solutions that create greater socioeconomic equity.

Media Production

My husband, Nick and I started New Point Press as a hobby and place we could use the media skills we developed in our early college days. We even met on a film set! We write, make media and explore.

New Point Press is a place where we merge our ideas of leadership, arts, communication and education together. It's all about looking at the world around us a little bit differently.


My blog, often sporadic and undisciplined, captures my experiences as a film teacher, education administrator and freelancer in the world of higher education. I write for me, mostly, and write for others some of the time. Writing is reflection for me and it is where my best learning takes place.